Stainless Steel Wire Handles for Mason Jars 6 Pack
Use a hanging jar to hold flowers, candles, solar lights, gifts, plants, or anything else!
Fits all Mason jars,
which are available in quarter pint, half-pint, pint, quart, and half-gallon sizes.
They are a little tricky to get on but if you have good manual dexterity, you should be able to get them on with just your fingers.
Unfortunately, there are hundreds of types of Mason jars that are all slightly different.
Our wire handles will fit almost any jar on the threaded part (where the lid screws on), but only some jars under the glass bead or rim. Please check the second photo on the product listing for the two locations they fit jars. It also sometimes works to fasten them, then screw them onto the threading like a lid.
Fits these regular mouth jars under the glass bead or rim, which is the most secure location: Current Ball quarter pint, half-pint, and pint jars. Current Kerr half-pint and pint jars.
Fits these regular mouth jars only on the threaded portion, which is still OK but not as secure: Current Ball quart jars. Current Kerr quart jars.
Fits these wide mouth jars under the glass bead or rim, which is the most secure location: Current Ball pint jars. Current Kerr half-pint and pint jars.
Fits these wide mouth jars only on the top, threaded portion, which is still OK but not as secure: Current Ball pint & half, quart, and half-gallon jars. Current Kerr quart jars. Most other jars.